You may be wondering why we chose "even the sparrow" as our blog title...
We were trying to come up with something cooler than- the noel's adoption blog or something. Since I love birds, I began to look for things having to do with birds. I came up Psalm 84:3 which says:
Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young- a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my God and King.
This really spoke to me because our little one will be finding a home with us, and I also idenitifed with the swallow since she finds a place to build her nest for her young. We kindof adopted the phrase "even the sparrow" when we talk about our little one.
Can't wait to meet our little one!
Thats a great passage and wonderful name for your blog. Good luck to y'all and bless your future little one.