
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


As I am writing this, my eyes are blurry from looking at Adoption Agency applications all day! I think I may start reciting my name, social security number, and hair color in my sleep.

I want to start at the beginning though…We began the adoption “process” in August when we met with Christian Adoption Consultants. Check them out here. It is a cool story of how we found them , I actually taught their daughter last year in my kindergarten class. I know that this is no coincidence. We met with them in August to get a little direction, because the whole process is quite overwhelming to a newbie!They told us that the first step was to complete a home study.

A home study is when you meet with a social worker, get background checks, references, and other documents to be approved to adopt in the state of Georgia. The state requires 3 visits, and we have completed 2 already. The second visit she came to our home. We have really enjoyed getting to know Cheri with Hope For Adoption. Check her site out here. There has been a lot of waiting during this homestudy…waiting for birth certificates to come in, waiting for FBI prints, waiting at the doctor’s office for a physical, but overall this has been a fairly quick process. We are waiting for a few more things, but as soon as they come in we can have our final meeting!!!!

After the home study is complete we are going to send out applications, our profiles and our homestudy to multiple agencies. That is what I have been working on today is getting applications done, so that as soon as our home study is in our hands we can send applications out and wait to be matched with our special little one!

So, it is back to the applications for me…

But like our consultant, Amy said, you labor for the baby in one way or another- and we are laboring through piles of paperwork right now, It will all be worth it when I see that little face!!!!

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